The SIM card has played an essential role in mobile telecommunications since the advent of GSM. It is known by end-users and providers as a secure mechanism for authenticating devices onto networks, in a removable secure piece that can be easily transferable between mobile devices.
Now, the SIM can be securely downloaded and embedded permanently inside any type of device. The eSIM solution offers an equal level of security and protection as the removable SIM card. Among all the benefits of the eSIM, we can highlight:
For end-users: eSIM empowers end-users to manage their subscriptions and connections without the hassle of managing physical SIM cards. Customers can onboard within 5 minutes.
Tourists and business travelers can purchase and manage local subscriptions without have to physically remove the SIM from their home network – there is no reason to find or build tools to open those annoying SIM trays.
Device manufacturers can take advantage of the reduced space within their products to make smaller devices. Moreover, manufacturers can use eSIMs to enhance supply chain processes. eSIM technology simplifies device manufacturing and logistics by enabling a single stock-keeping unit.
For operators, it will be easier to expand their business into emerging markets such as automotive, wearables, and consumer electronics.
Reduce costs: eSIM onboarding costs 4 times less than onboarding with physical SIM. The main part of SIM card cost is logistics, every MNO has to deal with the costs and issues of delivering SIMs to customers.
Additionally, there is also quite an important ecological reason to stop using plastic SIM cards. An average SIM card weighs 4.2 grams. There are around 5blns of SIM cards in use in the world now, which is roughly 26 thousand tons of plastic. That is more than twice the weight of the Eiffel Tower!
Hence, pure digital telco companies are not only increasing their profits but also taking care of pollution and ecological situation. Being digital means being eco-friendly!
Statistically, eSIM is not only the choice of operators, people all over the world choose and eSIM as their primary way of network communication. When given a choice, 50% of new customers prefer to go with eSIM instead of plastic cards. This is just more convenient, customers can easily switch between several SIMs without the need of ordering a physical SIM. It increases revenue by acquiring new high-spending subscribers and in-country travelers.
eSIM is not just for mobile phones. They are being installed in other connected devices as well: robotics, IoT, cars, sensors, etc. Having an eSIM inside allows to switch operators almost instantly, test the quality of the service and decide on the favorite operator of tariff.
Other interesting facts about eSIMs:
According to Mobile World Live, by 2024 there will be 7bln of active eSIM in the world
Power consumption of eSIM module is several times lower than power consumption of SIM module.
eSIM is also extremely small (2.5 x 2.3mm) comparing to regular SIM modules: it can easily fit into IoT devices of almost any size.
eSIM one-click implementation: leveraging the benefits
eSIM offers operators the opportunity to bring excellent customer experience.
One of the main challenges for operators is to ensure a quick and seamless customer experience for onboarding new customers. Yet, they also must guarantee a full integration and compatibility with their device certification, BSS set-up and provisioning processes (e.g. eligibility device check before the eSIM profile download); in addition to compliance with new regulations for people and ID document verification.
The Moflix eSIM feature allows mobile operators to create a smooth and intuitive digital experience with one-touch eSIM registration. With our fully digital onboarding solution operators can provide a superior digital experience through a smoother activation, simpler device onboarding and customer support. Users can complete the self-onboarding without human-to-human interaction within minutes.
Our solutions provide a fully digitalized eSIM download where users can register an eSIM directly from the app, in one click.
Moflix eSIM feature allows you to:
enable connectivity out-of-the-box
Empower your customers to implement eSIM in the easiest and shortest possible way
Ensure the highest level of security and quality of service
Manage the complete lifecycle of mobile subscription
Leverage all the benefits of the eSIM with our fully digital solution for customer onboarding. Moflix develops and launches digital telecommunications offers at low risk, at low cost and within only 100 days - without the need of an expensive and complex IT transformation. Are you ready?